iteratee Semantics of s, enumerators, enumeratees?

Conal Elliott conal at
Sat Aug 21 22:47:52 EDT 2010

With the encouragement & help of Conrad Parker, I've been looking at
iteratees, enumerators, enumeratees.  I can find plenty written about them,
but only about benefits and implementation.  In sifting through chunks,
error/control messages, and continuations, I find myself longing for a
precise semantic basis.  I keep wondering: what simpler & precise semantic
notions do these mechanisms implement?  Has anyone worked out a denotational
semantics for iteratees, enumerators, enumeratees -- something that
simplifies away the performance advantages & complexities?  I've worked out
something tentative, but perhaps I'm covering old ground.

   - Conal
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