iteratee Strange behaviour eneeCheckIfDone

John Lato jwlato at
Wed Aug 17 10:20:06 BST 2011

Hi Conrad,

Apologies for the latency over the past few weeks, been busy with
personal stuff.

Current plan is to add the enee* functions and push a new minor
release over the next few days.

I'll probably push an 0.9 release not long after (within 2 weeks?),
which changes the semantics of enee*-dependent functions and a few
other changes, on the grounds that the semantic changes are very
useful and I don't want to delay them any longer.

Changes to the iteratee type itself will wait for 0.10, which will be
a bit longer.  Will possibly include more explicit exception types and
implementation changes, this needs more research.


On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Conrad Parker <conrad at> wrote:
> John,
> what are your current thoughts about these enee* updates?
> Conrad.
> On 28 July 2011 08:40, Conrad Parker <conrad at> wrote:
>> On 28 July 2011 01:21, John Lato <jwlato at> wrote:
>>> Hi Conrad,
>>> Thanks very much for this.  Unfortunately I won't be able to really
>>> think about it until next week, but a few preliminary thoughts...
>>> Is it possible to implement these changes as part of the 0.8.* line
>>> (by the PVP), or would a bump to 0.9 be necessary (or desirable)?
>> If only the suggested four functions and one type alias were added
>> then I think it would be fine for the 0.8 line as nothing is
>> removed and no existing behavior is changed.
>> I did also note that new functions or changed behavior could be
>> introduced for breakE, mapChunks etc.; this changed behavior
>> could be delayed for a later release. Perhaps it is worth introducing
>> a cleaner abstraction for an application to indicate how it
>> wants to handle errors in a new major version.
>>> If it is a major version bump, then what else should go in the major
>>> update?  Here are a few things I've been considering that also require
>>> a major bump:
>>> 1.  Support for monad-control (mostly implemented already)
>>> 2.  Stream type tagging (e.g. to indicate that a stream supports
>>> seeking).  Not implemented, and I'm not sure how I would implement it,
>>> I need to re-read "data types a la carte"...
>>> 3.  Change the iteratee implementation; I'm thinking of doing
>>> something a bit closer to a CPS-transform of Oleg's current
>>> IterateeM.hs.  Untested, but probably will offer better performance.
>>> Any iteratees built from "liftI", "icont", or "idone" would need to be
>>> re-written though; it's a major change.
>>> 4.  Some relatively minor changes to enumFromCallback and IO-related stuff.
>>> (I'm sure I'm forgetting something)
>>> 1) and 4) can be done relatively easily with low impact.  3) is simple
>>> from my end, but would be a major breaking change.  I really don't
>>> know how much effort 2) would be.
>>> Anyway, if it is a major update, I suggest doing the enee* updates
>>> with 1) and 4), and holding off on 2) and 3) for several months.
>>> Alternatively I could wait and do the whole batch of changes at once,
>>> but it would be several months before it's ready.
>> We'd be happy with the enee* updates in a 0.8 release, as much because
>> I like to encourage getting upstream acceptance for changes we plan to
>> use in production code :)
>> cheers,
>> Conrad.
>>> Best,
>>> John
>>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Conrad Parker <conrad at> wrote:
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> Michael and I have worked through his proposed eneeCheckIfDone*
>>>> variants this afternoon, and we would like to propose the following
>>>> updated functions: eneeCheckIfDonePass, eneeCheckIfDoneIgnore,
>>>> eneeCheckIfDoneHandle, unfoldConvStreamCheck.
>>>> A version of unfoldConvStream that can handle seeking should just be a
>>>> matter of replacing the call to eneeCheckIfDone with
>>>> eneeCheckIfDonePass or eneeCheckIfDoneHandle. We could also do the
>>>> same for variants of convStream. However if we go down this path, it
>>>> seems we would have 4 versions of each of these *convStream functions,
>>>> as well as the 4 versions of eneeCheckIfDone.
>>>> An alternative would be to add a parameter to unfoldConvStream of the
>>>> same type as eneeCheckIfDonePass:
>>>> unfoldConvStreamCheck ::
>>>>  (Monad m, Nullable s) =>
>>>>  (((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> Maybe SomeException ->
>>>> Iteratee elo m (Iteratee eli m a)) -> Enumeratee elo eli m a)
>>>>  -> (acc -> Iteratee s m (acc, s'))
>>>>  -> acc
>>>>  -> Enumeratee s s' m a
>>>> unfoldConvStreamCheck checkDone f acc0 = checkDone (check acc0)
>>>>  where
>>>>    check acc k = isStreamFinished >>=
>>>>                    maybe (step acc k) (idone (icont k) . EOF . Just)
>>>>    step acc k = f acc >>= \(acc', s') ->
>>>>                    checkDone (check acc') . k . Chunk $ s'
>>>> such that an enumeratee that passes on seek exceptions can be built
>>>> with a call to:
>>>> unfoldConvStreamCheck eneeCheckIfDonePass
>>>> In order to allow partial applications of eneeCheckIfDoneHandle to be
>>>> passed to unfoldConvStreamCheck, we must reverse the order of the
>>>> first two arguments (compared to the earlier proposal):
>>>> -- | The same as eneeCheckIfDonePass, with one extra argument: a
>>>> handler which is used
>>>> -- to process any exceptions in a separate method.
>>>> eneeCheckIfDoneHandle :: (Monad m, NullPoint elo) =>
>>>>    ((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> SomeException -> Iteratee elo
>>>> m (Iteratee eli m a))
>>>>    -> ((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> Maybe SomeException ->
>>>> Iteratee elo m (Iteratee eli m a))
>>>>    -> Enumeratee elo eli m a
>>>> eneeCheckIfDoneHandle h f inner = Iteratee $ \od oc ->
>>>>    let onDone x s = od (idone x s) (Chunk empty)
>>>>        onCont k Nothing  = runIter (f k Nothing) od oc
>>>>        onCont k (Just e) = runIter (h k e)       od oc
>>>>    in runIter inner onDone onCont
>>>> Then the remaining variants can be rewritten in terms of this function:
>>>> eneeCheckIfDonePass :: (Monad m, NullPoint elo) =>
>>>>    ((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> Maybe SomeException ->
>>>> Iteratee elo m (Iteratee eli m a))
>>>>    -> Enumeratee elo eli m a
>>>> eneeCheckIfDonePass f inner = eneeCheckIfDoneHandle (\k e -> f k (Just e))
>>>> eneeCheckIfDoneIgnore :: (Monad m, NullPoint elo) =>
>>>>    ((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> Maybe SomeException ->
>>>> Iteratee elo m (Iteratee eli m a))
>>>>    -> Enumeratee elo eli m a
>>>> eneeCheckIfDoneIgnore f = eneeCheckIfDoneHandle (\k _ -> f k Nothing)
>>>> These functions allow us to build stream-processing applications with
>>>> multiple, layered enumeratees, where the controlling application
>>>> provides an iteratee that may initiate seeking. Seek exceptions are
>>>> passed from the inner iteratee outwards to fileDriverRandomFd, as you
>>>> have also suggested.
>>>> One feature of this approach, making use of the extensible exceptions,
>>>> is that each layer of the enumeratee stack can provide a custom "seek"
>>>> exception, eg. using different units. Enumeratees can then convert
>>>> seek requests from inner units like "time" or "video frames" to outer
>>>> units such as "file offset", such that dealing with seek tables etc.
>>>> can be isolated into the enumeratee that deals with generating frames,
>>>> rather than exposed to the application.
>>>> Michael also suggests that custom exceptions can be used to initiate
>>>> other control requests such as cache flushing, and these functions
>>>> would allow such messages to also be propagated.
>>>> A remaining issue would be whether it is also useful to provide
>>>> similar seekable versions of breakE, mapChunks and the various library
>>>> functions that use mapChunks.
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Conrad.
>>>> On 7 July 2011 18:50, Michael Baikov <manpacket at> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 6:10 PM, John Lato <jwlato at> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Michael,
>>>>>> Thanks for this, more comments inline.
>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 3:59 AM, Michael Baikov <manpacket at> wrote:
>>>>>>> First let's import some things, which will be used later
>>>>>>> > import Data.Iteratee as I
>>>>>>> > import Data.Iteratee.Char as I
>>>>>>> > import Data.Iteratee.IO as I
>>>>>>> > import Control.Monad.IO.Class
>>>>>>> > import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
>>>>>>> > import Control.Exception
>>>>>>> > import Control.Monad (when)
>>>>>>> > import Data.Char (toUpper)
>>>>>>> And then let's define some Iteratees
>>>>>>> This one just dumps all it gets from input
>>>>>>> > dump = printLinesUnterminated
>>>>>>> This one performs one seek and then dumps everything else
>>>>>>> > dumpAndSeek = 6 >> dump
>>>>>>> Let's define some Enumeratees
>>>>>>> This one - using regular mapChunks (and eneeCheckIfDone) (actually we
>>>>>>> can use streamMap, but mapChunks's  type signature looks better)
>>>>>>> > upStream :: Enumeratee String String IO a
>>>>>>> > upStream = mapChunks (map toUpper)
>>>>>>> This one - with my mapChunks (and modified eneeCheckIfDone)
>>>>>>> > upStream' :: Enumeratee String String IO a
>>>>>>> > upStream' = mapChunks' (map toUpper)
>>>>>>> And it's time to do some test. File "hello.txt" contains message
>>>>>>> "Hello world!!!!\n\n"
>>>>>>> > test1 = enumFileRandom 1 "hello.txt" dump
>>>>>>> As expected: Hello world!!!!
>>>>>>> > test2 = enumFileRandom 1 "hello.txt" dumpAndSeek
>>>>>>> world!!!!
>>>>>>> > test3 = enumFileRandom 1 "hello.txt" (joinI $ upStream dump)
>>>>>>> HELLO WORLD!!!!
>>>>>>> > test4 = enumFileRandom 1 "hello.txt" (joinI $ upStream dumpAndSeek)
>>>>>>> throwErr in eneeCheckIfDone - so it just hangs forever.
>>>>>>> Unexpected behaviour.
>>>>>> This is indeed a bug.
>>>>>>> > test5 = enumFileRandom 1 "hello.txt" (joinI $ upStream' dumpAndSeek)
>>>>>>> And with modified version - it works fine.
>>>>>>> WORLD!!!!
>>>>>>> > test6 = enumFileRandom 1 "hello.txt" (joinI $ upStream ( 6 >>
>>>>>>> > stream2list)) >>= run >>= print
>>>>>>> hangs forever
>>>>>> This looks like the same bug, since 'upStream' is defined in terms of
>>>>>> 'mapChunks', which in turn is defined with 'eneeCheckIfDone'.
>>>>> It is the same bug, I just wanted to show it one more :)
>>>>> I found mine version of this bug in the middle of huge multi-threaded
>>>>> haskell program which takes ages to run so i decided to provide you
>>>>> with a nice and simple version :)
>>>>>>> > test7 = enumFileRandom 1 "hello.txt" (joinI $ upStream' ( 6 >>
>>>>>>> > stream2list)) >>= run >>= print
>>>>>>> "WORLD!!!!\n\n"
>>>>>>> I don't see why it must behave differently when I am applying a simple
>>>>>>> transformation to the stream.
>>>>>>> And if I am misunderstanding something - what is the proper way to
>>>>>>> dump file contents from 6'th byte
>>>>>>> to the and while applying map upCase to it. With iteratees.
>>>>>> I would put the seek outside of the enumeratee stream.  Or, since you know
>>>>>> you're using ASCII characters, use drop instead.
>>>>> Sure, that will work, but again - this is very simplified problem. In
>>>>> the real world you need to use several layers of transformations and
>>>>> decision to do seek is made in top most iteratee. So we need to be
>>>>> able to pass exeptions as transparently as possible.
>>>>>>> test8 = enumFileRandom 1 "hello.txt" ( 6 >> joinI (upStream
>>>>>>> stream2list)) >>= run >>= print
>>>>>>> And my modified implementation - it uses
>>>>>>> eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step)
>>>>>>> instead of
>>>>>>> eneeCheckIfDone (liftI . go)
>>>>>>> > mapChunks' :: (Monad m, NullPoint s) => (s -> s') -> Enumeratee s s' m a
>>>>>>> > mapChunks' f = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step)
>>>>>>> >     where
>>>>>>> >         step k (Chunk xs)     = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step) . k .
>>>>>>> > Chunk $ f xs
>>>>>>> >         step k str@(EOF mErr) = idone (k $ EOF mErr) str
>>>>>>> eneeCheckIfDonePass - does not tries to handle any exceptions, just
>>>>>>> passes them to
>>>>>>> the parent Enumeratee/Enumerator
>>>>>>> > eneeCheckIfDonePass :: (Monad m, NullPoint elo) =>
>>>>>>> >     ((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> Maybe SomeException -> Iteratee
>>>>>>> > elo m (Iteratee eli m a))
>>>>>>> >     -> Enumeratee elo eli m a
>>>>>>> > eneeCheckIfDonePass f inner = Iteratee $ \od oc ->
>>>>>>> >     let onDone x s = od (idone x s) (Chunk empty)
>>>>>>> >         onCont k e = runIter (f k e) od oc
>>>>>>> >     in runIter inner onDone onCont
>>>>>>> eneeCheckIfDoneHandle - Has a separate handler for exception, so user
>>>>>>> can decide if
>>>>>>> he wants to handle the exception or pass it to the partent.
>>>>>>> > eneeCheckIfDoneHandle :: (Monad m, NullPoint elo) =>
>>>>>>> >     ((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> Maybe SomeException -> Iteratee
>>>>>>> > elo m (Iteratee eli m a))
>>>>>>> >     -> ((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> SomeException -> Iteratee
>>>>>>> > elo m (Iteratee eli m a))
>>>>>>> >     -> Enumeratee elo eli m a
>>>>>>> > eneeCheckIfDoneHandle f h inner = Iteratee $ \od oc ->
>>>>>>> >     let onDone x s = od (idone x s) (Chunk empty)
>>>>>>> >         onCont k Nothing = runIter (f k Nothing) od oc
>>>>>>> >         onCont k (Just e) = runIter (h k e)      od oc
>>>>>>> >     in runIter inner onDone onCont
>>>>>>> eneeCheckIfDoneIgnore - Ignores all exceptions
>>>>>>> > eneeCheckIfDoneIgnore :: (Monad m, NullPoint elo) =>
>>>>>>> >     ((Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> Maybe SomeException -> Iteratee
>>>>>>> > elo m (Iteratee eli m a))
>>>>>>> >     -> Enumeratee elo eli m a
>>>>>>> > eneeCheckIfDoneIgnore f inner = Iteratee $ \od oc ->
>>>>>>> >     let onDone x s = od (idone x s) (Chunk empty)
>>>>>>> >         onCont k _ = runIter (f k Nothing) od oc
>>>>>>> >     in runIter inner onDone onCont
>>>>>> I need to spend a little more time reviewing these, but they all seem like
>>>>>> useful alternatives.  Sometimes it makes sense for the stream transformer
>>>>>> (enumeratee) to handle an exception, sometimes not.  In particular, seeking
>>>>>> would have to be passed up to the handle enumerator.
>>>>>> Unfortunately it's not quite that simple in all cases.   If there isn't a
>>>>>> 1-1 correspondence between elements of the inner stream and the outer
>>>>>> stream, how should seek behave?  Should it attempt to seek in the inner
>>>>>> stream (which may not be possible), or just pass it up and assume you know
>>>>>> what you're doing?  The second is much easier to implement, but I think the
>>>>>> former would be more useful.
>>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>> Sure. You just need to create several different seeks and probably
>>>>> rename to something more specific, like fileHandleSeek or
>>>>> something like that. So if you want to go to specific point in file
>>>>> (and you know that your enumeratee's chain can handle such seek - you
>>>>> sends an exception named (FileSeek Offset). If you want to go to
>>>>> specific time frame - you just fire up another exception - (TimeSeek
>>>>> TimeOffset) and handle it in the appropriate place. You can use drop
>>>>> for stream of chars if you are not doing any transformations, but if
>>>>> each chunk takes 1 second to process and you need to drop 1 million of
>>>>> them...
>>>>> So just create several types of exceptions, place handlers in
>>>>> reasonable places, handle those exceptions that you can and pass then
>>>>> further if you can't and create several different seek functions.
>>>>>> John
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