Release 0.4.3

Daniel Schüssler anotheraddress at
Wed Mar 18 01:50:51 EDT 2009


it's a bit late, so this will be brief and possibly less than coherent :)

- Opening leksah.cabal in leksah works, opening its modules works, jumping to 
definitions of things works

- Trying to open a project with an existing ghc-6.10.1 build in ./dist fails 

 failed !!!can't read iface [...] mismatched interface file versions 
(wanted "610120090314", got "6101")

- Oddly enough, I *did* get the pointer error when I tried to open a package 
but misclicked on a non-cabal file:

 leksah: error: a C finalizer called back into Haskell.
   use Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr for Haskell finalizers.

Btw: Currently leksah aborts the startup process if the project last edited 
doesn't exist anymore. It should probably just start a fresh session :)


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