patches for building lhc/derive on GHC HEAD

austin s as at
Thu May 21 04:46:59 EDT 2009

Hello all,

I just made the lhc 0.8 release. It should work with any of the GHC
6.10.2 or above releases.

I however, am doing a lot of work with GHC HEAD (testing things out,)
so I have compiled my LHC using GHC HEAD:

  $ lhc --version
  The Luxurious LHC Haskell Optimization System, version 0.8
  Using frontend: The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.11.20090520

In order to build LHC with GHC HEAD, you must apply a (trivial) patch
to LHC, and a patch to Neil Mitchell's derive library, which can be
downloaded with darcs from here:

Please note that the patch for derive is INCOMPLETE and does NOT make
it fully work with GHC HEAD - there are a few modules which are cut
out of the build in order to make things compile. I'll fix this as
soon as I can, but these patches won't be sent to Neil until 6.12 is
out (due to template-haskell changes.)

Apply the attached patch to derive and build it, and the attached
patch to lhc and build it, and everything should be fine.

If anybody has trouble, let me know.

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