Ann: Chatter - a simple library for language processing

Rogan Creswick creswick at
Mon Nov 18 21:53:42 GMT 2013

I've been working on a simple NLP library over the past month or two, and I
think it may finally be useful to others.  I would love to hear comments,
criticisms, contributions, etc... ;)

My main objective was to make it extremely easy to do basic NLP tasks in
Haskell, such as POS tagging and document similarity. (and later, Chunking,
NER, co-ref resolution, etc...).

The best example of this is Part-of-speech tagging with Chatter:

cabal install chatter
> :m +NLP.POS
> t <- defaultTagger
> tagStr t "This is a test."
"This/dt is/bez a/at test/nn ./."

Chatter provides POS tagging (with backoff taggers, and a ~83% accurate
trained default tagger), TF-IDF measures, and cosine document similarity.

It also currently contains an adapted version of the Tokenize library,
because I wanted to tokenize Text.  That's a short-term solution; I haven't
had time to make a patch to the tokenize lib.

 - Hackage:
 - Github:

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